Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another Video - Bus Announcement with a NZ Accent

Here's another video I took during the trip. I had the camera out to record Lake Taupo, and happened to catch the bus driver, James, giving one of his announcements. It's a good chance to hear what a NZ accent really sounds like as well as take in the sights of Lake the announcement gets a little humo(u)rous at the end. Here's the link to YouTube if the video below doesn't load.


  1. I recognize that accent immediately. He sounds just like Pete Bethune, the New Zealand guy from Whale Wars. I wonder if you've heard much about him during your stay?

    By the way, how the heck did your bus driver see your Youtube video? Did you guys exchange info? I don't think I'd tend to converse that freely with the bus drivers over here in the states. But he sounds like a nice guy...

  2. I have no idea how that guy found that video. I didn't talk to him a single time during the entire ride. I didn't expect anyone was going to watch the video except for people on my's really weird.

  3. Oh The wonders of the internet - I can answer your question there...

    I randomly (in geek like fashion) typed intercity new zealand into youtube.. and viola.. up it came! Which started the whole - oh god... thats me! and so on and so fourth.

    If it's any concellation. your video has made it into an InterCity board meeting, and a drivers meeting to discuss the wonders of the internet! And if your wondering how I found your blog - blame youtube for that.. I was fiddling and it came up with the referral sites.. ! (and NO i'm NOT a stalker.)

    Happy travels.

  4. How funny! Guess it really goes to show the true power of the internet: that a random video recorded by an American student can make it into a board meeting of a major bus service in New Zealand! Truly incredible. Thanks for reading the blog and for posting--I had a great time down to Wellington. Keep up the good work!

