Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I guess it's called INTERNATIONAL House for a reason...

Yay!! Six weeks of classes have passed, and it's time for my one-week mid-semester break! I have some really exciting travelling and some really painful studying for several after-break tests awaiting me in the next two weeks--more details on the travelling later.

My building is planning its yearly International Night, and they put up a poster showing where everyone was from so that people could contact others from their country to arrange their presentation. I'm going to be away that weekend (more details on that later too), but I snapped this photo of the poster so you guys can see where the people I'm living with are from. (Click to enlarge the photo)
If you can't read the text, here's the breakdown of the countries and how many people are from each place:

South Africa (3)
United States (8)
India (5)
Germany (8)
Canada (1)
Malaysia (15)
United Kingdom (6)
Hong Kong (4)
Australia (3)
Puerto Rico (2)
China (11)
Burma (1)
Denmark (1)
Norway (1)
Korea (7)
Thailand (1)
Cook Islands (2)
Japan (3)
New Zealand (73)
Singapore (3)
Papua New Guinea (1)
Sweden (1)
Philippines (1)
Zimbabwe (1)
Kazakhstan (1)
Vietnam (1)
Brazil (1)
Taiwan (1)

28 countries in all!

1 comment:

  1. Wait, are you supposed to get together with your fellow Americans, and put on...what, some sort of presentation about the United States?

    What would you guys do?

    I know. You should just show them an episode of "The Wire," and say that's basically what the U.S. is like.
